Learn more about Inlight’s contributions to postsecondary student mental health research at the University of Toronto below.
Inlight Led Initiatives.
Inlight leads several portfolios related to the pillars identified in our strategic research plan. Activities in these portfolios are co-developed by the leadership team and advisories.
Inlight Supported Initiatives.
Inlight provides research infrastructure and backbone support to a number of postsecondary student mental health and wellness initiatives at the University of Toronto.

Inlight Led Initiative
Student Engagement
As part of our principle of “students as collaborators”, Inlight is committed to actively engaging students in the co-design of research and knowledge translation activities that directly impacts them.

Inlight Supported Initiative
A Global Research Network to Advance Student Mental Health
With additional funding support from the University of Toronto Connaught Global Challenge Award Program, Inlight is developing collaborative, interdisciplinary research partnerships with leading global student and youth mental health researchers.
Inlight Supported Initiative
Student Mental Health Evaluation
Inlight is supporting evaluation activities to understand the impact that the re-design of campus-based mental health services is having on service use and mental health outcomes.

In addition to the above programs, Inlight supports faculty, staff, and students leadering researcher across the University of Toronto through our research funding programs.