Navi Mental Health Wayfinder

inlight fellowship training program

The Inlight Fellowship Training Program will support research-oriented graduate and professional students and trainees to develop knowledge and research skills related to post-secondary student mental health and well-being.

The Inlight Research Fellowships program is currently finalising our intake for the 2024-25 Fellowship program – successful applicants to be announced soon!

Program Director: Professor Julius Haag, Associate Director Education & Training

Recipients of the Inlight Research Fellowships will be enrolled in this one-year, non-credit certificate program, to develop their expertise and inform the design and growth of the training program. 

What you’ll learn

    • Knowledge of key considerations in the conduct of research related to post-secondary mental health and well-being, including student engagement, incorporation of EDIAI approaches, development of collaborative partnerships, and public engagement and strategies for the dissemination of research outcomes 
    • Skills to generate and mobilize research to achieve health & equity impacts in post-secondary mental health and well-being
    • An appreciation for the diversity of evidence and research needs in this emerging field and increased knowledge of relevant research/data collection methods 


    • Exposure to academics and practitioners who are leading work in this field
    • Join a cohort of like-minded students to contribute to and shape the field
    • Opportunity to collaborate and network with researchers, knowledge users and leaders, to strengthen collaborative multi-disciplinary research approaches


Program components

    1. In-person Program Sessions (approx. quarterly)
    2. Completion of the Inlight Post-secondary Student Mental Health Research Training Module series (3 eModules, asynchronous completion)
    3. Participate in the Student Day of Engagement (Winter 2025, date TBD) and Inlight Annual Symposium (February 27th, 2025)
    4. Monthly Inlight Fellow Seminars – these are organised and led by Fellows as part of the program learning outcomes
    5. Attend Global Speaker series events
    6. Individual and small group written activities – this will be guided by peers and the program Director, and may include a policy brief, rapid evidence review, environmental scan, research proposal
    7. Final report and reflection on program experience 

Estimated Learner Effort total: Approx. 45 hours 

Averaged per month: ~4 hours 

Expectations of Students 

As this is a program that is in high demand, a firm commitment to completing the Program’s required activities is expected. 

Students are expected to attend all required sessions:

    • Quarterly sessions (4) – in person
    • Symposium (1) – in person
    • Student Day of Engagement (1) – in person 
    • Seminars (minimum of 4) – hybrid, with option for later viewing of recorded seminars
    • Global Speaker Series (minimum of 2) – virtual 

Students are expected to complete the following required deliverables:

    • Both a written and an oral activity
    • Inlight Student Engagement eModules
    • Final report/ reflection 

Additional benefits of the program

At Program start:

    • Receive first installment of the stipend ($2500)
    • Become an Inlight Member
    • Bio listed on Inlight website as member of 3rd Cohort of the Inlight Research Fellowship Program 

Upon completion:

    • Final installment of the stipend ($2500)
    • Certificate of Completion – recorded as completed/not completed; participants must complete the required activities to obtain the certificate.
    • Retain Inlight Membership: “Alumni Fellow” & Bio listed on Inlight website
    • Opportunity to participate in future programs and Inlight activities in a mentorship role 

To learn more about our current and upcoming funding programs, please visit our Opportunities page.